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Parent Teacher Association PTA

 »  Parent Teacher Association PTA

Committee Members for 2019/2020 School Year:

Chairperson: Tracy Lee

Secretary: Tracy O’Sullivan Bartley

Treasurer: Arun Nethrasigamani

Parent Representatives on BOM: Lynn Ridgeway & Michael Kennedy

Staff Representative: Gráinne Begley

Audrey Kearns

Katrina White

Carole Holmes

Contact Details:

Parents are invited to contact any committee member with suggestions or feedback by email; pta@ashbourneetns.ie


The Parents’ Association works with the principal, staff and board of management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school.


While all parents of children attending the school are automatically members of the Parents’ Association, elections are held during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the start of each school year to appoint committee members and officers to the association on behalf of all parents.

The committee is the team of people who manage the task of the Parents’ Association on behalf of the parents/guardians. The committee works as a team and manages the business of the Parents’ Association in accordance with the constitution of the Parents’ Association.

All parents will be notified in writing of the AGM and invited to attend and put themselves forward for the committee, if they so wish. We encourage all parents to become involved in the Parents’ Association and to support the activities and Fundraising events that occur throughout the school year.


The Parents’ Association is a very important link between the school and the parents, and acts as a support for parents in the school.

The Parents’ Association, in conjunction with the principal and staff organises activities and events such as;

  • Organising the Book Rental Scheme.
  • Provide extra supervision for class outings e.g. trips to the library
  • Annual Sports Day
  • Various Fundraising Activities e.g. Bake Sale, Annual Book Fair, Annual Bag Packs, Movie night, Raffles etc.

PTA Constitution