Senior Infants have had a fantastic February! We loved learning all about Africa in SESE. We read the story ‘Handa’s Hen’, learned all about African animals, and created our own necklaces inspired by the jewellery of the Maasai people. Look at us wearing our lovely necklaces!

We read the book ‘Dear Zoo’ which inspired us to write our own letters to the Zoo. We have been working so hard on our handwriting – remembering to include capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops in our sentences! We are so proud of our letters hanging up in the corridor.

We loved learning about the Travel Agents and the Airport this month. In Aistear, we had a great time getting into role as customers picking a holiday destination, as pilots, and even as check-in desk staff. We played with toy planes, boats and helicopters in the small world area, as well as building airports in the construction area. In February, we worked on our turn-taking and team work skills by playing Snakes and Ladders as one of our stations. Aistear time is still one of our favourite parts of the day. Look at us having so much fun!